Course Registration General Procedures and Basic Need-to-Know
聯繫方式 Contacting Method
For course registration and other inquiries, please get in touch with us through the following listed social platforms. Thank you.
一般報名流程 General Registration Procedures
1. 詳讀相關規範
2. 透過聯繫平台告訴我們您希望參加的課程日期與出席人數,確認名額後,小編就會整理報名及繳款資訊給您
( 私訊範例:"您好,我想要報名4月22日的基礎班北極熊派對,兩位,請問還有名額嗎?" )
3. 收到報名及繳款資訊後,請於時間內完成繳費,若為候補名額暫時無須繳款
4. 完成繳費後請回復繳款資訊
5. 款項及資料核對完成後,才算完成整個報名流程,進而為您登記名額保留席次,一併提供您詳細工作室地址與聯絡方式
1. Carefully read the registration procedure and regulations
2. Contact us through the social platform listed above, tell us which course you wish to enroll, the course commencement date, how many persons wish to join, and inquire about seat availability. We'll send you detailed registration and fee payment methods.
3. Complete the payment within the deadline. Those who are on the waiting list don't need to pay unless notified otherwise.
4. Reply us with your payment transaction details
5. The whole registration procedure is completed only after the payment transaction is confirmed. The seats then will be reserved and a detailed location address will be provided.
To protect the eligibility for other students' rights for registration, please send us a notification if you wish to cancel your registration.
If payment hasn't been received within the requested deadline and no explanation or notification during or after the timeframe, your seat reservation will be canceled.
◆ 課程中禁止錄影,開放拍照,課後可分享完成的作品照片
過程記錄照片、配方、講義僅供個人複習用,請勿用各種管道方式 - 分享、張貼於網路、發送於任何平台
◆ 為維護其他學員權益與場地限制,請勿攜伴入場
◆ 課程需準備新鮮食材,臨時缺席恕無法補課或換堂,可自行前來帶回食材與講義
◆ 工作室附近汽車停車位難尋,建議騎乘機車或搭乘大眾運輸工具
◆ 工具工作室都會準備好,請攜帶筆記用筆與愉快心情前來即可
◆ 結束時間為預估時間,實際結束時間依每人操作速度而定,課後建議勿安排行程
◆ 課程老師會以中文教學並提供繁體中文講義
◆ 報名繳費成功後,如不克前來,無法換堂或將課程保留下次使用,退費規定如下,或是可自行轉讓課程
課程當日取消 - 無法退費
◆ 課程若因天災、或責任歸咎於小確幸無法如期舉辦,將可能安排為補課方式或全額退費
◆ 課程若跨午餐時段,小幫手會統一替學員代訂外送,或您可自備輕食。工作室附近亦有便利商店可以自行購買。
Please carefully read the following general listed guidelines, policies and regulations:
◆ Video recording during course sessions is prohibited. Photo-taking is allowed. You may share the photos of your completed work on your social media.
The photos taken during the course session, step processes, recipes, and course handouts are only for your reviewing and practising purposes, sharing the contents on any personal or public media or platforms without our authorization is strictly prohibited.
◆ To protect the rights of other participants and the limitations of our venue, please do NOT bring your companions to the venue.
◆ The materials and ingredients are all freshly prepared for the course. Failure to attend the course on time without notification will NOT be provided with the opportunity of make-up or change of course. You may come afterwards to pick up your course handouts and materials.
◆ Car parking spaces are extremely difficult to find. We strongly recommend taking public transport or scooters to commute.
◆ All the course materials and tools will be prepared for you at the venue. All you need to bring is your note-taking stationaries and a pleasant and patient moods.
◆ The finished time is an estimation. Actual finishing time depends on each individual hands-on working speed. It is strongly recommend avoiding attending other event after the class finish.
◆ The instructor will conduct the course in Mandarin during course session. Hand-out can be provided in English or simplified Chinese upon request. English translation, if needed, will be provided by our class assistant.
◆ After the completion of registration. If you are unable to attend, your reservation in the course CANNOT be postponed or switched to other courses. You may TRANSFER your seat reservation to your friend or refund your payment according the refund policy as follows:
- Each course fee included an un-refundable NT$200 deposit fee. The amount of refund for each course is calculated as "Fees received for the course minus the NT$200 un-refundable deposit fee and minus the transaction service fee charge by the bank."
- Cancellation two days prior to the course commencement date (NOT INCLUDING the date of course commencement), you get 50% of the fee refund back to you.
- Cancellation on the date of course commencement date, NO REFUND will be granted.
◆ Course cancellation or postponement due to the extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, or other circumstances caused by our responsibilities, and you can request for a full refund or re-schedule the same course as postponement.
◆ If the course extends over the lunch period, assistants will arrange delivery orders for participants, or you may bring your own light meal. There are also convenience stores near the studio where you can purchase food.
我們的課程大致分為兩種。一為 A.小確幸獨創課程,一為 B. 證書課程。
A. 獨創課程
◎ 體驗班 - 適合所有人報名參加
◎ 基礎班 - 適合所有人報名參加
◎ 進階班 - 適合所有人報名參加
◎ 高階班 - 需要一些糖霜的相關操作經驗,不適合初學者參加
◎ 專業班 - 需要一些的糖霜操作的相關經驗跟知識,不適合初學者參加
◎ 大師班 - 需要一定的糖霜操作的相關經驗跟知識,不適合初學者參加
B. 證書課程
◎ 英國 PME 專業蛋糕裝飾課程 (糖霜 Royal Icing & Piping, 翻糖 Sugar Paste, 糖花 Sugar Flower)
此證書課程是為英國的系統性的教學,若您有興趣參加蛋糕裝飾類的比賽,小編強烈推薦參加我們的糖霜證書四日課程。少許經驗的新手,初學者都可以報名參加。詳細課程內容可以參考 英國 PME 糖霜證書四日課程。
◎ 日本 JSA 系列講師認證證書課程
此講師認證證書課程屬於日本 JSA 協會的系列課程,屬於會員制的,所以須繳年會費及遵守會員相關規定,完成課程畢業考後可成為 JSA 認證講師並以其身分對外授課。無經驗初學者都適合參加。詳細課程內容可以先參考 日本 JSA 糖霜餅乾講師認證二日課程。
Before course registration, you may take a look at how we categorize our courses. With these references, you'll have a general idea of which course suits you better.
In general, our courses are divided into two main categories. One is "Le Petit Bonheur's Innovative Course." The other is the "Certificate Course."
A. Innovative Courses
◎ Experimental - Suitable for anyone.
◎ Basic Level - Suitable for anyone.
◎ Intermediate Level - Suitable for anyone.
◎ Advanced Level - Suitable for people with some experience. Not suitable for beginners.
◎ Expert Level - Suitable for people with some experience and knowledge of Royal Icing. Not suitable for beginners.
◎ Master Level - Suitable for people with a certain level of experience and knowledge of Royal Icing. Not suitable for beginners.
B. Certificate Courses
◎ UK PME Professional Diploma for Cake Decoration Courses (Royal Icing & Piping, Sugar Paste, Sugar Flower)
These are systemic cake decoration courses designed by UK PME. If you are interested in competing in domestic or international cake decoration competition. We strongly recommend you take our 4-day Royal Icing & Piping module PME certificate course. This course is suitable for beginners with little-experiences. More course details, please visit PME Royal Icing & Piping page.
◎ JSA Certified Instructor Series Courses
These JSA Certified Instructor series courses are systemically designed by Japanese professionals. Memberships are required. annual membership must be paid and guidelines must be follows as you become an JSA certified instructor after the completion of their courses. These course is suitable for zero experienced people or beginners. For starters, you may take JSA Certified Instructor Course for Icing Cookies as an entrance.